(a) Paying the member deposit

Members must pay a member deposit to the co-op. This deposit cannot be used as the last month’s housing charges. Members must pay this deposit before moving into their unit, unless the co-op allows them to pay it over time. This could be over several months. This must be stated in a deposit payment agreement prepared by the manager and signed by the member and the co-op.

5.1 Maintenance and Repair

(a) Responsibility of the co-op

The co-op must keep all units in a good state of repair and fit for habitation. It must make sure that each unit meets all health, safety and housing standards in government

8. Members' Households and Guests

(a) Who is part of a household

In the co-op’s by-laws, household means:
 a member
 any other members living in the unit
 children of the member who are under sixteen and live in the unit
 children of the member who have turned sixteen and continue to live in the unit,
 long-term guests approved by the board of directors under this Article.
Someone is considered a child of a member if they would be considered the member’s child under the Ontario Family Law Act.


11.2 Non-Payment and Late Payment

(a) Procedures
This section states procedures to ensure that member arrears are dealt with quickly
and fairly. The board of directors can change these procedures if it decides that other
procedures would be better. A Notice to Appear for arrears can be issued without
following the procedures in this section.

(b) Late payment letter

The manager will send a late payment letter to each member who did not pay housing charges in full or arrange an arrears payment agreement by the end of the first business day of the month. The letter will normally be sent before the end of the second business day of the month. Only one letter needs to be sent for all members
and others in a unit.

(c) Notice to Appear

The manager will give a Notice to Appear to each member who has not paid housing
charges in full or has not arranged an arrears payment agreement. This will normally
be done by noon on the fifth business day of the month.

(d) Persistent late payment

Late payment includes
 failure to pay the full amount owing, and
 a failed payment as described in section 11.3(a) (Failed Payment).
Late payment of housing charges three times in any year will be considered persistent
late payment. The manager will give a Notice to Appear under Article 12 (Dealing with Problems) to each member who is late paying for the third time in a calendar year. That Notice to Appear will be in addition to a Notice to Appear for arrears under this section.

(e) Advance notice of lateness

If for legitimate reasons of financial hardship, a member cannot pay housing charges
by the end of the first business day of the month, the member must let the manager
Occupancy By-law – ©2014 Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada & Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto 32
know before the first business day of the month. The manager will decide if the
reasons are legitimate. In that case, an arrears payment agreement may be arranged by
the manager if permitted under section 11.6 (Arrears Payment Agreements) or a
request for an arrears payment agreement may be submitted to the board of directors.